Monday, February 1, 2010

Chicken Pox More Condition_symptoms How Many Times Why Do We Only Get The Chicken Pox Once But Other Viruses More Than Once?

Why do we only get the chicken pox once but other viruses more than once? - chicken pox more condition_symptoms how many times

I know that in rare cases, some people get chickenpox May, more than once, but for most only once. However, viruses such as influenza, which can be harvested several times ... How is that?


tkltafoy... said...

The varicella virus has not mutated, as often and as quickly as flu. Our body has developed antibodies to protect themselves if we are more exposed to chickenpox.

mich said...

The chickenpox virus catch for the first time they get chickenpox. Once again, the virus lies in your spine and can be again caused by stress as shingles, is already exhausted. Contrary to popular belief, you can not catch shingles and only if you already have chickenpox.

The flu is a virus, but there are many different types of viruses and variants, if vaccines are available, you can not vaccinate against them all.

You can not catch a cold the same thing twice, but many variants of the influenza virus often leads to similar symptoms

keishlac... said...

Chickenpox is a type of infection that does not change. If a viral infection of the avian immune system and mutates so that your body is fighting an infection again every time you place it. As cold. There are many different types there are many difficulties in finding a vaccine that treats everybody. Vaccination against influenza each year. It is the flu last year treat, which is why some people get when they received the vaccine against the flu, your body is not exposed in this way.

Anonymous said...

CHICKEN other viruses, we can not even have the same status as

These viruses, when in Battel with the body of the 1st Viewed STH body called antibodies that are attacking and killing soldiers and chicken virus particles these soldiers strong enough to live for a long time and anti-virus continues after reunification - Infection

Live-virus antibodies for the other variables have so far died during re-infection, no soldiers to protect the body.

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